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Gift of the Gab with Aja Martinez: I Ain't Afraid of C.R.T!

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Spooky season is upon us and we are all out there looking for a good fright.
But is Critical Race Theory one of them?

That is what I try to find out by sitting with, Aja Martinez, a multi-award winning author of multiple books on CRT.

We discuss what it actually is, why is there so much fear around it and is that
fear based on any facts?

So, come join us around the podcast fire as we dispel some myths and tell you about the real socio-political demons you should be afraid of!

You can also watch this episode on my YouTube channel here:

You can get in touch with Aja about her work through email:
or through the portal:

You can also purchase her book through the link " Counterstory: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory

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