It's a Monday! This episode was supposed to go out Friday! I blame my cat!😄--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/shehla-faizi/supportSupport the show
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Shehla: Hi, everyone, may peace be on you all. My name is Shehla, and welcome to the very first podcast of “I'm A Muslim (And That's Okay!)”. So today's a Monday, and this podcast was originally supposed to go out last Friday, but as luck would have it, it didn't because my cat got-- I mean, she's been sick for a while, and I just had to take her to the vet, and it's been pretty hectic since then. She's apparently allergic to something. I have to give her steroids, and it's been a whole mess of things.
I mean, have you all ever given medicine to a cat? It's not fun. I mean, yeah, the vets have all these helpful tools. They have that long pill popper thingy that supposedly gets it into their mouth without them chewing your hand off. And they gave me this interesting thing. I mean, it's not a pill pocket, it's like this paste, it's this bacon-flavored something, and you can take out as much as you need, as little as you need, wrap your cat's pill inside it, and they're supposed to eat it and really enjoy it and stuff. Let me tell you, it doesn't work that way.
And before anybody has aneurysm over the fact that it's a bacon-flavored something, I'm a Muslim, it's fine, because apparently, I checked the ingredients, there's very little anything in there. There was lots of salt, yeast, I think, and I mean, there's flavoring. I think that's all it is. It's flavored, bacon-flavored. I don't [chuckles] think there was any bacon in there. And even if there was, I don't think my cat has any religious restrictions on her. [laughs] So, it's okay. I mean, I just put it on the pill and force it down her at least, oh, I don't know hundred times before she will actually take it in, not spit it out. It's so disgusting, I swear.
I mean, by the end of all of this, that pill is like this mush of paste and like medicine. I don't even know if it's going to work on her, the amount of times, it's been contaminated with fur and hair and dirt because it's been spit out on the floor. Anyway, I've been doing that for the past three days, twice a day. And it's not fun. I mean, it's ridiculous. But, hey, that's what happens when you have, like four cats. And, yeah, I love cats. I'm the “crazy cat lady,” and I have the mugs to prove it. [laughs]
But I've always loved cats, and they're my thing, and I love them. And especially Sadie, she's the one with the problem. My only female among a household full of dudes. I mean, my other three are male cats. I have two sons, a husband, lots of testosterone floating around in this house. But she's really sweet. It's just that I don't know what's wrong with her. And she had been licking herself raw for some time, and I couldn't figure it out because it's never been this bad before, but I suspect it's something that she's developing with age.
Anyway, enough of my cat's medical problems which will [chuckles] I guess continue on. I don't think it's going to end that soon, but just a little quick little intro of my life and I'm hoping that I can maintain this podcast for every Friday and not have it like pushed three extra days. And I hope you all enjoy my perspective of Muslim life in the US. And I try to keep it lighthearted, nothing too serious, and just a little sneak peek into how we live our normal every days and hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for listening.
And remember, my next podcast will be coming out every Friday, God willing. So, until then, may peace be on you all.
Thank you so much for tuning in to I'm a Muslim (And That's Okay!). And if you wish to follow my social media for more updates, you can follow me on Instagram, on Facebook, and on YouTube. All the links to those are in the show notes, and if you are on Apple or on Spotify or on Podchaser, please do give my podcast a five-star rating. It really does help get me in the public eye. And if you wish to donate to support the podcast, you can do so through the PayPal link in my show notes as well. Take care.