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PSA: COVID 19 (It's Not Just About You Anymore)

It's hard being stuck indoors but don't be THAT jerk that spreads the virus.--- Support this podcast: the show

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Shehla: Hi everyone, may peace be on you all. And welcome today's special, I guess, public service announcement episode. I know it's a Monday, it's not a Friday, but with everything going on, I was really, really compelled, you know, everything with the Covid-19 virus, coronavirus, whatever you want to call it. 


I was very compelled to do this episode. As you guys know, I was out of town on spring break. I was at my sister's. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. And I don't even know where to begin. And again, unpopular opinion, but it has to be said the US Government did not act as it should have, as quickly as it should have to protect its citizens. We have had too many people exposed and too many people that have died because of it. This is a time where there is a general panic going on. 

You can see it in the grocery stores. All the shelves are empty and everyone is scared and rightly so. I know there is a lot of talk of people saying that it's low risk and low fatality, that's not the point. You look at Italy right now, they are in a state of crisis, so many, many deaths and now people are forced to stay completely shut away and the hospitals are overloaded. The doctors just can't treat that many people. And I'm afraid that that is what could happen to us if we're not careful and that is what this episode is about. 


I know it's hard in a time like this to be able to be completely shut away, especially when you have to go out, you have to work and schools are closing down and even my kids, my kids are at home, I don't know for how long. For now, it's just two weeks, but it could be longer and I'm fortunate, I really, really am. My kids don't depend on school lunches, they don't depend on being at school, so I have to go out and work because I don't work right now. I can stay at home and things will be okay, but I know a lot of people don't have that luxury. 


So, for me, I think what I just want to say in this, I'm hoping, short episode, is that we need to do what we can do to stop the spread, to stop going to those that are most vulnerable. And I know that most of us who are listening may not be the most vulnerable, but that's not the point. The point is we do know somebody who is, even if we're not aware that they're vulnerable. It's not just those who are old, it is also those that are immunocompromised, people whose immune systems don't work as they should, and they are most at risk. People with COPD, whose lungs are already so vulnerable. These are the people whom we do have a moral duty to protect. It's there and it's not worth going out into crowds and crowded places if you really, really don't have to, it's not, because right now it's not just about the individual, it's about us all. So please, if you can avoid going out, do so. And I know it's hard staying in one place and having kids at home, yeah, [laughs] I don't know how the two weeks are going to go. We're going to drive each other crazy, but again, those are not real risks. 


You may die a little inside [laughs] and I mean this in all humor, but you will not be in serious danger, that's the point. And for everybody that is stockpiling, I know it's important to be able to have enough when your family is in one place and is indoors, but I think we need to back off just a little. If we can do with a little less and still be okay, I think it's better to leave it for those who need it more. Again, people who are elderly, immunocompromised, if you know somebody, please buy for them and if you can deliver it to them, do so. It is that important. They need it more than you do if you are not at risk. 

So, I think I will just end it here and just-- My only message is that we need to be able to come together at a time like this. Whatever difference we may have, it doesn't go above being able to safeguard another person's life. I think this is the time to look out for the greater good. With that, I'll end this. And may peace be upon you all.  And may God protect us all, amen. 

Thank you so much for tuning in to I'm A Muslim (And That's Okay!). And if you wish to follow my social media for more updates, you can follow me on Instagram, on Facebook, and on YouTube. All the links to those are in the show notes. And if you are on Apple or on Spotify or on Podchaser, please do give my podcast a five-star rating. It really does help get me in the public eye. And if you wish to donate to support the podcast, you can do so through the PayPal link in my show notes as well. Take care.