What does a podcast host do when they hit a creative block? They ask their audience of course!
Y'all I'm fast approaching 100 episodes and 4 years and I'm not sure how to carry on bringing y'all the best that I can! So, please help me out! If you have ideas or subjects you want me to cover, people you'd love me to interview, PLEASE tell me! Send me an email at : shehla.faizi01@gmail.com . Or just send me a DM on my socials (links below!).
But, I need y'all's help BAD, because I am stuck!
You can watch this episode on my YouTube channel too: https://youtu.be/WPSQJ6P3hac
Please don't forget to follow me here and on social media! Click the links to keep up with my shenanigans on social media and listen to all my episodes in one place:
[theme music]
Shehla: Hi, everyone. May peace be on you all and welcome to another episode of I'm A Muslim (And That's Okay!). And as always, I'm your host, Shehla, and this is the very first solo episode of the season. And I've been doing a lot of things out of character for this season, but I am here with my solo episode and I'm in a bit of conundrum because I'm fast approaching four years and a 100 episode and I'm like, “Dang, I don't know what else to do now.” And I'm sitting here like, “How do I add more to the podcast, to the videos I have?” And before I go any further, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget, I've been planning out a few segments, a few new segments for-- and that's what I'm trying to get at. It's like it's not for the podcast, per se. And I hate to do this to my audio listeners, but most of the newer segments are probably going to be video only, only because not that I'm leaving the audio medium right now, it's just that I was planning short video segments and just turning them into podcasts would not make any sense, like two, three, it's not enough audio for a diehard podcast listener.
So, if any of my audio listeners have not subscribed to my YouTube channel or are not following me on Instagram, please do in both places, you can find me with a handle at I'm @imamuslimpodcast and you'll be able to find those links in my show notes. So please do subscribe to my YouTube and to my Instagram.
I've been thinking about short video segments as I go ahead into, I guess, the next season of my podcast, my four years, and coming up on 100 episodes too. And if you all have any ideas of what should I do for my 100 episodes. I did do a giveaway for my 50th episode in two years. So tell me, what should I do? Should I do another giveaway and what kind of giveaway? I'm open to ideas.
I think this is what this episode is about. I need help trying to figure out how I move forward. If you all have any interesting things, interesting topics that I should cover, please tell me. I know this entire season has had a lot of heavy topics in there and I don't want it to be just heavy, serious things. I know a lot of my episodes can be like that, but anything that's fun, any person I should interview, anything fun you'd like me to discuss, I'd really love to do that. I'd really like to try something new for the podcast. So please do tell me, what do I do next? It's always such an interesting conundrum to have what to do next in a podcast.
Most of the times guests fall my way and I interview them, but to really keep things going and for those who are podcasters themselves, they know that starting a podcast is easy, maintaining it is hard. Podfade is a very real thing, ladies and gentlemen. A lot of podcasts start and they don't go beyond ten episodes. And the fact that I've made it this far, I consider it a miracle. [chuckles] I don't know how that happened, but at this point I'm just like, “Dang, what do I do next?” So, I have decided on the short video segments. I'm not going to give away what it is, but unfortunately, I can't translate that into an audio medium. But I really want to keep doing the audio podcast episodes. It's just like, “What's the next interesting segment that I should do?” Or, “Who are the guests that I should have?”
I think the one thing that was in my mind was that I should probably interview more people with-- especially who are from interesting immigrant backgrounds about a real telling of their story because a lot of us don't realize that-- especially people who come from immigrant backgrounds, that they have such interesting backstories about why they make the decisions they do. And sometimes even the intricacies of their story can make for real interesting listening. So please tell me, I mean, if that's something you'd be interested in listening to, tell me, DM me, email me, you'll have all those links in the show notes because I am really like, “I'm sort of stuck, what should I do next?” I really want to continue doing this because I enjoy doing it so much and get to my 100 episodes [chuckles] with some degree of respectability. But, yeah, so far, it's been such a spectacular journey for me. I've learned so much from all the feedback that I received from you guys and from my guests as well. I never realized that this journey would be such an eye opening, such an educational journey, for sure.
And I really appreciate everybody who listens in. And I'm surprised myself. I didn't think, like that's the thing, when you're a podcaster, stats are everything. “Okay, how many downloads? How many listeners? Who's listening to you” And even though I'm not blaming anybody, it's just sort of what happens. My statistics are modest, but I was surprised how far the reach is. Two days ago, I was looking at where the downloads are from. When I started out, I thought it would just be within the US, maybe Canada, but now I have listeners in Germany, Japan, Egypt, all these places, and I was like, “Dang,” it never occurred to me that my listenership could go that far. And I'm open to feedback from all my listeners, doesn't matter where they are. If you have an interesting story or somebody interesting that I could interview, please do tell me, I would totally love to do that, I would totally love to explore new frontiers.
And for those again who are new to my podcasting space, I'm A Muslim (And That's Okay!) was started out as just a space where I could humanize the Muslim experience. That's what it started out with because not a lot of people, especially with how media portrayal is, really saw the human side of us. TV and the media and the internet are very powerful forces but unfortunately, they shown only a certain side of people. So that's why I started the podcast, just so everybody could see the other side. And as the years went by, it sort of evolved into a platform where I still wanted to share perspectives, not just Muslim perspectives, but important perspectives, discussing things that people usually don't like talking about which is why my last episode had a trigger warning to it because it discussed substance abuse and suicidal ideation.
It's very uncomfortable for a lot of people to talk about, but it's an important discussion and it's not just about having uncomfortable conversations. I think it's about perspectives that people really need to hear to open our minds and our hearts to people. I think it's essential, not just for Muslims or from the perspective of us Muslims that we need to be humanized. I think there is a real lacking of deep connection towards other people and it's getting better, don't get me wrong. The internet has been a blessing in that sense because the world is become so globalized. We are able to reach out to so many different people in different parts of the world. It's not as bad as it could be, but there is still a lot of people who have closed themselves up to perspectives. And I'm not saying I could like “horse to water” sort of situation. I could bring in the podcast, it doesn't mean that I could make people listen to it, but just trying to do my part to help bridge gaps, I guess.
So, yeah, I'm really in a place where I'm like, “I don't know how to keep doing this successfully and without making it too boring,” so I need help. I need y'all's help too. Give me feedback, give me more interesting things that I can cover. “What do you think would help really open hearts and really create connection between people?” Because I'm just one person, that's the thing. I'm like, “I can only think so much” And as a singular person, you only have a limited worldview, and being the introvert that I am not really-- [chuckles] that's so terrible, but that's the truth. I'm like, “I'm not really having social interactions to find out what's really bothering people,” it's bad. I need more perspectives and more feedback from people just because of the terrible introvert that I am. I really love feedback and I really love hearing from all my listeners.
So please, if you have the time, send me an email, send me a DM. And for all of things. I want to know, what should I do for my 100th episodes that's going to be coming up probably early next year, and what should I do for that? And what are the new segments? What are some of the most interesting things that I could cover or people that I could interview? What are the new things that I could do? Something that would really fit in well with an audio podcast that converts to a video segment as well because I will be doing like short video episodes but it's not going to be enough to really do a podcast through. So, please do let me know. And I am so grateful to everybody who's stuck with me so far. I really, really am. I didn't think I'd make it this far, but y’all have always helped me through this.
So until next time, I'll be having another interview that's coming out in the next two weeks and one after that as well, so stay tuned for that. I wish I could say that those were any lighter than the episodes I've discussed so far, but unfortunately it sort of happened that this season is dedicated to the heavy episodes, but, but, but something to lighten the mood, I will be having my Halloween episode as usual. I need ideas for that too. I love spooky stories, so what should I do for the Halloween episode? So please do tell me. Do you have a personal story, spooky story that I could share, like any one of y’all? Send me your spooky stories, I really, really want to hear it, so please do do that. And any other idea for the Halloween segment? I'd really love that. I love me the Halloween episode.
So please do send me ideas for that. And until next time, you all take care of yourself, take care of your families and your loved ones and may peace be on you all.
[pensive music]
Thank you so much for tuning in to I'm A Muslim (And That's Okay!). And if you wish to follow my social media for more updates, you can follow me on Instagram, on Facebook and on YouTube. All the links to those are in the show notes. And if you are on Apple or on Spotify, on Podchaser, please do give my podcast a five-star rating. It really does help get me in the public eye. And if you wish to donate to support the podcast, you can do so through the PayPal link in my show notes as well. Take care.