When doing the work of activism for a cause, it sometimes happens that we experience tunnel vision; assuming that it is the only thing that is important. That is what sort of happened to me, I lost sight for a bit of the bigger picture.

Ever since October 7th, the World at large has been raising its voice for a free Palestine and as important as that is, we shouldn't forget that that isn't the only major atrocity that is happening in the world. The same demons of of corporate greed and capitalism are responsible for the genocides in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, and the list goes on and on.

That is what I discuss in this episode about the importance of not micro-focusing our activism and to check the fact that are we biased when it comes to WHO we will raise our voices for? Because if we are then we will end up perpetuating the cycles of oppression that we need to abolish forever!

To Support efforts in Palestine be sure to donate and share to the fundraisers listed by Operation Olive Branch: https://www.instagram.com/operationolivebranch/

To find out more about the situation in DRC and to donate to help the people on the ground, please follow Friends of the Congo: https://www.instagram.com/congofriends/

To learn more about the situation in Sudan please follow the Red Maat collective:https://www.instagram.com/red_maat/
And to help the people in Sudan please donate here: https://www.instagram.com/sudanese_american_physicians/

To learn more about the Uyghars and their heritage please follow Uyghar Collective Here: https://www.instagram.com/uyghurcollective/following/

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